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52 ways to support women in business

It’s not a secret: supporting women-owned businesses is good. We hear it all the time: buy local, support women, #dotherightthing. But what does it actually mean, why is it good, and how do you do it on a regular basis?

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The Gist

In this feature of Make Lemonade Entrepreneur, we’re meeting Ellen, Roslyn and Jacie the three cofounders of The Gist. The Gist creates sports content and experiences for women by women. Dig into more of what they do in our latest blog post.

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Kat Gaskin

In our Make Lemonade Entrepreneur, we sat down and interviewed Kat to learn more about her experience running her business. Experience her energy in the video and blog by clicking the link!

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Allison Dore

I think the most important thing for me is that, if I feel stuck and I focus on it, then I stay stuck. But if I feel stuck, and I tell myself to just breathe, something will come to me…eventually it does.

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Nichelle Laus

Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.

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Devery Jacobs

If I can make a living doing what I love, can stand behind the work I’ve created and helped lift others coming up behind me, then I consider myself to be the most successful.

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Tennille Read

I need to take risks in order to grow and expand. I take risks whenever I’m doing something new, or going for a part that is outside of my comfort zone.

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Andrea Anders

I believe you learn more from failure than anything else in life.

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Daphne De Groot

I find that the team you surround yourself with is the most important factor in determining a business’ ability to be relentlessly inspired.

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Helen Androlia

“Even if it fails - whatever that looks like - I never think of taking a chance on myself as a risk.”

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Amanda (Ama) Scriver

Just show up. Into the club, purse first. Confidence. Put on a great bold lip and just show up. Let’s do this. You asked me here for a reason. You want me and who I am so that’s what I am going to bring to the table.

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Jennifer Valentyne

“I had to have faith in myself and take risks at a time in my life where I never thought I would have to.”

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Farah Nasser

“What we do in our unique positions is beyond individual success and instead about breaking barriers for the next generation.”

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Amanda Shuchat

“We focus on building a rich culture where everyone gets opportunities to stretch regardless of their levels.”

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Shannon Lee Simmons

“As long as I'm still inspired and excited about the future, I'm successful.”

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