Learning to Stay Strong
The Make Lemonade Community is made up of radically unique, awesome, and genuine people. Meet one of the ‘lemons’:
Jessica Hendricks (she/her)
🔗 staystrongco.com
⭐️ @staystrongco_niagara + @staystrongwithjess
Published March 2022
What do you do and why do you do it?
I run a mental health nonprofit called Stay Strong Collective. We have a mental wellness space in St. Catharines, Ontario where people can participate in various wellness activities, such as art, meditation, yoga and music or just hang out and be themselves. I do it because we need a space like this in Niagara. No one else is doing it so I am, with the help of many others.
Tell us about a time that life handed you lemons. Did you make lemonade? *
My mental health was bad in the last couple of years of high school and in college. I was able to take that and use my experiences to help others. It became my passion and purpose. And finding that purpose gave me a reason to be here.
Do you have a quote or saying that inspires you? What is it?
"She believed she could so she did." I can relate to it so much because once I set my mind to something, I do it, no matter what other people say
Do you have a mentor? What role do they play in your success?
My best friend, Carly. She is a couple years older than me so I look up to her like a big sister. We've been best friends for 8 years and we've been through a lot together. She always seems to know exactly what to say to me whenever I go to her for advice.
Do you have a book, movie, song or podcast that changed your life?
Any song by Demi Lovato. Their music has helped me through so many hard times in the past.
What do you love most about yourself?
What I love most about myself is that I’m very determined. When I want to do something, I figure out a way to get it done, no matter how hard it might be.
How does community play a role in your success?